Guide to Hearing Aids

Types of Hearing Loss

Understanding the different types and degrees of hearing loss can help you choose the right treatment options and hearing aid styles. The most common types of hearing loss include sensorineural and conductive hearing loss.

Sensorineural hearing loss is caused by damage to the inner ear or the auditory nerve, often caused by factors like aging, noise exposure, or genetics. Conductive hearing loss typically involves issues in the outer or middle ear, such as earwax blockages, fluid buildup, or problems with the ear's bones.

Signs of Hearing Loss

Do you know the signs of hearing loss? Some of the most common signs of hearing loss include struggling to hear or understand conversations and having difficulty hearing in noisy environments. You may also find yourself turning up the volume on the TV or radio, asking people to repeat themselves, or thinking others are mumbling. Tinnitus, that ringing or buzzing sound in your ears, can also be a sign of hearing loss.

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Choosing a Hearing Aid

Modern hearing technology has produced a range of incredible devices. Each hearing aid has advanced programs and settings designed to match your lifestyle and hearing needs. Whether you're seeking discreet hearing aids, connectivity, advanced features, or affordability, we have a range of devices to choose from.

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What to Expect with Hearing Aids

Are you getting hearing aids for the first time? It’s helpful to have a clear understanding of what to expect with hearing aids.


Expect a period of acclimatization as you adapt to the improved auditory experience provided by your hearing aids.

Hearing aids will enhance your ability to hear conversations, sounds in your environment, and media with greater clarity.

Regular maintenance, such as battery management and device cleaning, is essential for optimal functioning of your hearing aids.

Follow-up appointments are important for the adjustment and optimal performance of your hearing aids, ensuring they meet your specific hearing needs.

Your hearing aids will facilitate better interaction with your environment, though some adjustments in daily activities and technology use may be necessary.

Schedule Appointment

We're here to help you understand your hearing health, recommend the perfect hearing aids, and address any hearing-related concerns you may have.

Visit Our Office

Whether you need a hearing evaluation, hearing aid selection and fitting, or tune-ups and maintenance for your devices, our office in Longview, TX is fully equipped to provide you with the best hearing healthcare services. Call us today to schedule an appointment or to ask any questions you may have. We look forward to assisting you on your journey to better hearing!
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